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  • Coaching in Higher Education

    Coaching in Higher Education

    The rapidly changing world imposes to individuals to adapt, in particular concerning professional aspects. Since its beginning, CESI’s core activity is a service that can be summarized by the formula “we support the building of your professional identity”.

  • PoPBL Follow-up

    PoPBL Follow-up

    CESI’s school of engineering has implemented a project-oriented, problem-based learning curriculum named A2P2 in its combined work and study engineering degree program since 2015

  • DEFI&Co


    The project “Développer l’Expertise Future pour l’Industrie et la Construction” (DEFI&Co) aims at moving CESI’s Curricula towards the development of competencies required by the so said “jobs of the future”.

  • PLM Adoption Model for SMEs

    PLM adoption can be a source of competitiveness and sustainability for SMEs. In the other hand, the introduction of new ICT (Information and communication technologies) technologies, such PLM, is a complex process that involves challenging the existing organization, not only in terms of information flow but also the human resources management and OEM/Suppliers relationship level. […]

  • Réalité augmentée projetée dédiée aux systèmes industriels complexes

    Dans l’industrie du futur, les technologies numériques sont utilisées pour optimiser le processus de production. Cet article présente un système permettant à un technicien d’être guidé par de la réalité augmentée projetée pour effectuer des opérations de montage sur des systèmes industriels complexes sans avoir besoin d’une intervention extérieure. Le dispositif mis en place a […]

  • Science in Wonderland

    Science in Wonderland

    The project was included in the programme ‘‘Enseigner la physique autrement’’. It ran in parallel with the development of the PBL approach in Physics, and allowed to model the problems the students had to resolve using 3D simulations.

  • EAST


    The project proposes 3D virtual environments, allowing to learn by resolving concrete problems.

  • Engineering students’ use of creativity and development tools in conceptual product design: What, when and how?

    As creativity has become a requisite skill for engineers and a part of their basic training, one of the challenges in engineering education is to supply students with a good understanding of creativity and development tools. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of these tools during a conceptual product design challenge. […]

  • Welcome to CESI LINEACT, Innovation and research laboratory

    Welcome to CESI LINEACT, Innovation and research laboratory

    Scientific research at the heart of today’s human challenges CESI’s research unit LINEACT, Digital Innovation Laboratory, has built its positioning around CESI’s areas of training, and conducts research activities in the fields of industry, sustainable cities, digital services and the training of the future. CESI’s vision of research is based on three pillars: Les chiffres […]

  • PLM based solutions for extended entreprises

    Digital engineering for product development, industrialization, manufacturing and product services is booming and has enabled costs to be reduced and technologies to move forward in many industrial sectors. The management of data, knowledge, business processes, competences and feedbacks related to these new uses are key factors for business competitiveness and innovation. The problems to be […]

  • One-step synthesis of Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 thin films by reactive magnetron co-sputtering

    Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 (CZTS) is suitable to replace conventional materials as absorber layer in solar cell applications. CZTS is composed of earth abundant and non-toxic elements, and exhibits an optical bandgap of 1.5 eV and a high absorption coefficient in the visible range. CZTS thin films are usually synthesized by ‘‘two-step’’ processes consisting on […]

  • L’imagerie cérébrale et la conception de produit : vers de nouveaux outils d’évaluation

    Nous proposons dans cet article un état de l’art de l’utilisation de la neuroimagerie (ou imagerie cérébrale) à des fins non médicales. Depuis quelques années sont apparues de nouvelles disciplines autour de l’imagerie cérébrale : neuroergonomie, neuromarketing, neuroesthétique. Dans la littérature, il existe deux champs de recherche ayant deux finalités différentes : – La substitution […]


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