CESI partner of the C-CARE project

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Two new projects were approved at the recent virtual meeting of the Selection Sub-Committee of the Interreg France Channel England (FCE) program on March 23. The two new projects C-CARE and Cool Food Pro will receive a total ERDF grant of €7.4 million. The FCE program gathers now 51 projects, 420 project partners and has committed €217.5 million to projects that will deliver environmental, economic and social development in the Channel area.
C-CARE project
CESI is a partner in the C-CARE (Covid Channel Area Response Exchange) project which is the first capitalization project to be approved by the program and to receive a 100% ERDF funding intervention rate. The €6.7 million project, led by Kent County Council, will provide a unique and ambitious approach to Covid-19 support for people at risk of being excluded from the labour market and for businesses severely affected by the pandemic.
C-Care’s objective
The C-CARE project focuses on the different types of interventions put in place to fight the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the France-Channel England area.
It will take stock of financial interventions (business support and advice), skills interventions to support access to the labour market, including digital skills, coordination interventions such as the strategic approach to multi-agency activity management (public and voluntary sector partnerships) to support communities and businesses. The aim is to help identify good practice that has been put in place and to come up with recommendations for the future.
- Project leader: Kent County Council
- Partners: New Anglia LEP, Norfolk County Council, Plymouth City Council, Hauts-de-France Region, Pas de Calais Tourism, Finistère Department and CESI.
- Duration: 2 years (starting April 2021)
- Budget for CESI: 440 k€.
- Number of FTEs planned (excluding fixed-term contracts): 1 FTE – Planned recruitment: one 12-month fixed-term contract, one 18-month fixed-term contract and three 6-month internships