Job surveys in the Training sector

In different publications, we have made the hypothesis that the pedagogy, as well as the form of relationship between learners and support staff within a learning environment depend at the same time on value systems, professional identities, organisational rules…


A study on jobs in the multimedia sector in Europe, carried out in 2002-2003, revealed a strong contingency of the organisation of activities under the same job name, at such a point that, beyond the iconic figures that gather them, we can really question the existence of job standards.

To understand the job profiles in education and training, how and why they vary, is an important strand in our works.

Main results

We have made three surveys. The first one was on the Internet, between September 2005 and May 2006. A second survey was made inside CESI between January and March 2007. For this second survey, the framework was extended in order to include all jobs within the organisation.

The first survey was left open for several years, with a periodic collection of data for analysis. The results of the analysis carried out by the end of 2008 were presented on 11/12/2008 at the Cité des sciences et de l’Industrie (Paris) during a conference organised by FFFOD.

In 2010, the CARIF Languedoc-Roussillon required the regional training institutions to fill the online survey questionnaire. Data were collected in My 2011, and the analysis was presented in Montpellier on 28/06/2011, during a conference organised by the CARIF.


BLANDIN, B. (2006) Facilitateur, coach, accompagnateur, formateur… Quelles différences ? Premiers éléments d’une étude sur les métiers, in Actes du 7e colloque européen sur l’Autoformation « faciliter les apprentissages autonomes » ENFA (18 –19- 20 mai 2006), Auzeville.

BLANDIN, B. (2008) Les ingénieurs de formation du CESI : Etude de leurs activités et de celles des fonctions connexes, in Pré-Actes du colloque Les métiers de la formation : approches sociologiques. Créteil 28-29 octobre 2008. Université Paris 12, p 21-35.

Start of project: September 2005

End of project: June 2011