Interphase’s formation and participation on water diffusion in epoxy/metal bonded assemblies
Interphase’s formation and participation on water diffusion in epoxy/metal bonded assemblies
APBFT: An Adaptive PBFT Consensus for Private Blockchains
As smart cities become more decentralized, the need for reliable and secure cyber-physical systems (CPS) that guarantee safe interactions and secure data storage without loss of privacy is continuously increasing. Blockchain is a rapidly emerging technology in this domain. It demonstrated effectiveness thanks to the cryptographic mechanisms it utilizes and to its immutability. Private blockchains […]
Usage des sentiments pour la conduite d’action : exemple d’entretiens d’accompagnement d’apprentis-ingénieurs
Le développement dans l’enseignement supérieur de l’individualisation des parcours a engendré un besoin d’accompagnement, entraînant à son tour un besoin de formation à cette fonction. Mais former à quels concepts ? Et notamment dans un entretien d’accompagnement, comment accéder sans perte de temps aux sujets ayant un enjeu ? Notre étude s’intéresse aux sentiments verbalisés […]
L’approche par les capabilités dans le champ du travail et de la formation : vers une définition des environnements capacitants ?
De nombreux travaux conduits à partir du cadre des capabilités (Sen, 2001) interrogent la qualité des environnements de travail et/ou de formation, et leur capacité à soutenir la professionnalisation, le développement professionnel ou le pouvoir d’agir. Les capabilités se présentent comme une grille de lecture de ces processus, un outil d’évaluation de ces derniers. Plus […]
Coordination revue Travail et apprentissage n°23
Dossier thématique sur les environnements capacitants
FPBFT: A Fast PBFT Protocol for Private Blockchains
Blockchain is an emerging technology that enables storing data and sharing it among many entities without the need for a central organization. Data is stored in an append-only ledger after the majority of participants agree on it. This mechanism is called the consensus, and many protocols are proposed in the literature (PoW, PoS, DPoS, RAFT, […]
The normalization of in-the-wild faces is a low-cost process which can both improve face recognition performances and reduce the computation complexity of face generation. In this paper, we present an unsupervised Face Normalization and Recognition within Generative Adversarial Networks (FNRGAN). This proposed approach generates and recognizes faces from normalized features of in-the wild faces. We […]
Secure and Reliable Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SCPS) are heterogeneous inter-operable autonomous entities that play a crucial role in critical infrastructures. And as a result of supporting novel communication and remote control features, they became more dependent on connectivity, which increased attack surfaces and introduced errors that elevated the likelihood of SCPS errors. Additionally, they may cause new types […]
La VAE au prisme des capabilité
Modelling and Measuring Innovation Culture
We aim to provide a conceptual model of innovation culture in organizations and build a survey tool to measure it. Innovation management focuses often on formalized processes whereas unwritten rules related to organizational culture are also a major factor for innovation and firms’ performance. We first position the role of culture with regard to innovation […]
Presence and impact of Teal practices among French organizations
This cross-industry study first highlights the presence of Teal types practices among French organizations. It also allowed the identification of some plebiscited ones, which could be first implemented when an organization wishes to take the first step towards Teal Model. Teal practices appeared to impact trust, and not directly engagement. However, this study, while exiting, […]
Aggregation using Genetic Algorithms for FederatedLearning in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Industry and academics are interested in indus-trial cyber-physical systems (ICPS). Complexity makes it hardto grasp these systems design and functioning. By offeringFedGA-ICPS, a federated learning framework based on geneticalgorithms, we can solve ICPS ́s performance and decision sup-port. To simulate the structure and behavior of these systems,we use ICPS. FedGA-ICPS investigates the performance of theICPS […]
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