Effets de court et de long terme de la crise sanitaire COVID-19 sur la croissance économique des pays de l’OCDE
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser l’e!et de la crise sanitaire Covid-19 sur la croissance économique. Il étudie ses e!ets directs mais aussi indirects, de court terme et de long terme. Le modèle appliqué utilise une spécification ARDL avec un estimateur PMG (Pooled Mean Group) appliquée sur un échantillon de 11 pays de l’OCDE durant […]
Towards an Automatic Evaluation of the Performance of Electronic-based Physical Unclonable Functions
Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are innovative hardware security primitives that extract secret information from physical characteristics of a device, a chip, or integrated circuits; where different instances of the same PUF device will produce different secret keys. PUFs are used a lot in authentification and secret key generation depending on their type, strong or weak. […]
Solving methods for the quay crane scheduling problem at port of Tripoli-Lebanon
The quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP) is a global problem and all ports around the world seek to solve it, to get an acceptable time of unloading containers from the vessels or loading containers to the vessels and therefore reducing the docking time in the terminal. This paper proposes three solutions for the QCSP in […]
Actions speak louder than looks: The effect of avatar appearance and in-game actions on subsequent prosocial behavior
Several experimental studies in recent years have shown an effect of the appearance of embodied avatars in a digital environment on subsequent behaviors in unrelated context. However, such studies often focus exclusively on the appearance of avatars, and do not consider the nature of the behavior carried out in-game. This article presents an experiment exploring […]
On the development of a thechnological solution to mitigate summer mortality in Brazilian oysters’ crops: reporting experimental results
The Pacific oyster mortality syndrome also occurs in Brazilian crops, with predominance in the adult phase, generating significant losses for local producers. According to the literature, if the spawning process is not triggered, a substantial reduction in the mortality rates can be achieved. This hypothesis steered the synthesis of a technological solution for the matter, […]
Security Assessment and Hardening of Autonomous Vehicles
In recent years, experts have noted the risks of hacking the autonomous vehicles. Since the latter become more complex, the number of potential vulnerabilities and the constraints on security algorithms increase. This paper proposes a model checking based framework that relies on a set of predefined attacks and counter measures from where the security requirements […]
Photoluminescence and dielectric properties of (Al/Cu) and (In/Cu) co-doped ZnO sprayed thin films under the oxygen deficiency conditions
This work focuses on the study of the transport of charge carriers in Al (1%)/Cu (1%) and In (1%)/Cu (1%) co-doped ZnO thin films prepared on glass substrates heated at 460°C using the spray pyrolysis method. Each ratio of doping element is equal to 1% (M/Zn=1%, M=Al, In, Cu) in the starting solutions. First, SEM […]
Towards Enhancing Security and Resilience in CPS: A Coq-Maude based approach
yber-Physical Systems (CPS) have gained considerable interest in the last decade from both industry and academia. Such systems have proven particularly complex and provide considerable challenges to master their design and ensure their functionalities. In this paper, we intend to tackle some of these challenges related to the security and the resilience of CPS at […]
Preliminary design and evaluation of strategic dashboards through the technology acceptance model
In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, the competition between enterprises is fierce to operate efficiently and hold on to their customers. Due to lack of time and methodology, many leaders struggle to establish optimized strategies for their businesses. To do so, the key processes need to be measured using dashboards that proactively help […]
Les pédagogies actives par problèmes et par projets à l’épreuve de la distance : questions à l’ingénierie
Il s’agit d’une contribution au débat sur l’ingénierie de la formation à distance initié par la revue pour l »année 2020. l’article présente les pédagogies actives mises en oeuvre à CESI comme transposables à distance, ainsi que l’a montré l’épreuve du premier confinement. Elles constitueraient ainsi une nouvelle forme de formation distance, ayant les caractéristiques que […]
A BIM-based framework for an Optimal WSNDeployment in Smart Building
Wireless Sensors Network (WSN) are essential to ensure data collection and monitor in real time buildings and their environments. In general, the collected data are of paramount importance especially to optimize resource consumption and to improve the indoor user’s comfort. However, the reliability of smart buildings depends on the completeness and the relevance of the […]
Sediment-based fired brick strength optimization A discussion on different approaches
Abstract: Sustainable sediment management is a global issue due to dredging of rivers and river mouths for both navigability and flood protection needs. Previous studies on sediments beneficial uses have shown that essentially the targeted materials relate to roads and ceramics (bricks, tiles). For sustainable management, these recovery sectors impose the minimization of transport and […]
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