To train students to make decisions taking in account ethical dimensions
The aim that is pursued is to teach engineering students a pragmatical way to face ethical dilemmas. After a presentation of the societal context, a competency framework is proposed. Then a statement is displayed.
Developing good practices for industrial engagement in co-creation of CDIO curriculum
Three cases of good practices are presented from Russia, UK and France.
Collaborative Virtual Reality Decision Tool for Planning Industrial Shop Floor Layouts
This paper presents a methodology and the associated tool for enhancing decision making in shop floor layout using collaborative virtual reality, associated to real-time performance indicators in Industry 4.0. It first describes the collaborative architecture of the application. Subsequently, application features like: visualization at scale one (machines, industrial environment’s top view, product flow path), 3D […]
Exploring SMEs’ open innovation practices diversity from four countries.
As far as we know, this paper constitutes a first approach to a cross-country comparison of open innovation practices in SMEs, a little explored field whose the surge of articles on this topic has increased significantly in recent years. Recent reviews have highlighted the need to consider context dependencies. Hence, this paper takes the fact […]
Influence of different charges in cement-based matrix of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) on its thermomechanical and thermal behaviours at different temperatures
The aim of this study is to develop a composite material TRC with an aluminous matrix that can improve its resistance to fire. The studied TRC composites were made with two layers of carbon grid integrated in a filled matrix. Two types of filled aluminous cement were tested under thermal and mechanical loadings. The first […]
Sentiment d’efficacité collective et professionnalisation en contexte d’apprentissage par projets
CESI a mis en place dans sa formation d’ingénieurs en alternance, en octobre 2015, l’Apprentissage Actif Par Projets (A2P2). L’apprentissage à l’école y est articulé autour de projets pluridisciplinaires à réaliser en groupes. Dans cet article nous proposons de questionner l’impact du sentiment d’efficacité collective et des situations pour le favoriser, dans le processus de […]
A Numerical Approach for Buildings Reduced Thermal Model Parameters Evaluation
A Numerical Approach for Buildings Reduced Thermal Model Parameters Evaluation
Modélisation multi-agent des systèmes industriels cyber-physiques fractals
Ce papier propose une modélisation basée sur des systèmes multi-agents pour la simulation d’un atelier de production considéré comme un système cyber-physique (CPS). Un système cyber-physique industriel, appelé en anglais « Cyber-Physical Production System » (CPPS), représente une composante fondamentale de l’industrie 4.0, qui influence fortement la manière de concevoir, piloter et superviser les ateliers de production […]
Identification of a cohesive zone model for cement paste-aggregate interface in a shear test
The development of tools, using a micromechanical approach, predicting the macroscopic behaviour of heterogeneous materials such as concrete, requires the knowledge of their microstructures (geometrical properties of phases), the behaviour of phases and the interaction laws between phases. This study is focused on a numerical modelling of a local shear test on a cement paste–aggregate […]
Shear-induced anisotropy in rough elastomer contact
True contact between randomly rough solids consists of myriad individual microjunctions. While their total area controls the adhesive friction force of the interface, other macroscopic features, including viscoelastic friction, wear, stiffness, and electric resistance, also strongly depend on the size and shape of individual microjunctions. We show that, in rough elastomer contacts, the shape of […]
Shear-induced contact area anisotropy explained by a fracture mechanics model
This paper gives a theoretical analysis for the fundamental problem of anisotropy induced by shear forces on an adhesive contact, discussing the experimental data of the companion Letter. We present a fracture mechanics model where two phenomenological mode-mixity functions are introduced to describe the weak coupling between modes I and II or I and III, […]
A dynamic programming-based maintenance model of offshore wind turbine considering logistic delay and weather condition
There are several challenges toward maintaining offshore wind turbines such as ensuring the intrinsic performance of the wind turbine, maximizing short- and long-term profits, and optimizing maintenance grouping. These criteria should be optimized in respect to several practical constraints. Moreover, issues such as decisionmaking in uncertain environments where reliability-oriented field data are insufficient and information […]
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