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    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    On the improvement of thermal comfort in indoor spaces conditioned by split-type systems

    Conventional on/off-based control split-type appliances are widely used in classrooms and offices, in Brazil and in many other countries, due to their low cost and ease of installation. However, occupants often complain about thermal discomfort depending on their position within the conditioned space, especially in positions that are directly affected by the draft, since those […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Ingénierie: les langages formels ont-ils un avenir à l’époque du numérique ?

    Après un rappel sur les langages formels d’ingénerie, il s’agit de discuter de la question de leur peu d’usage à l’époque du développement masif du numérique.

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Un environnement pour augmenter la collaboration et booster la motivation intrinsèque

    Abstract L’apprentissage au 21ème siècle porte de multiples visages et le collaboratif revêt une importance particulière. De plus en plus centré sur l’apprenant et visant à le rendre actif dans son apprentissage, les pratiques éducatives ont évolué et les environnements avec. Dans cette optique de pédagogie active, les élèves travaillent de manière autonome, apportent un […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    To train engineering students to make decision taking in account ethical dimensions

    The need to design ethics competencies is presented through the societal context and the InnovENT-E project. The framework of a competency « To manage an ethical issue » is proposed. A statement is presented about the implementation into curricula.

    • Conférence
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Multi-agent planning and execution with risk analysis and multi-criteria optimization: the case of rescue plans to environmental and humanitarian crisis

    A disaster seriously disrupts the functioning of a society and generates human, material and economic losses. Unfortunately, some are weakly predictable such as the terrorist. But even the predictable ones, like the cyclones whose intensity remains difficult to assess are not always easy to forecast in terms of damage. Over the past 10 years, disasters […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Integrated Production Planning and Quality Control for Linear Production Systems Under Uncertainties of Cycle Time and Finished Product Quality

    This work considers serial production systems with several process steps and a possible quality control at final step. It deals with the problem of optimizing planned lead time when the real lead time for each process is stochastic and the finished product quality is uncertain unless it is inspected. Three analytical models are proposed aiming […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Optimization of multi-period supply planning under stochastic lead times and a dynamic demand

    Supply planning and inventory control are vital in Supply Chain (SC) optimization processes for companies that aim to produce highest-quality finished product at lowest cost and right on time. Optimization means planners’ need to reduce average stock levels and determine the optimal safety lead-times. This study deals with a multi-period production planning problem with a […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Towards Predicting System Disruption in Industry 4.0: Machine Learning-Based Approach

    Industry 4:0 is the most recent industrial revolution that aims to improve not only the productivity in the 21st century, but also the flexibility, adaptability, and resilience of the industrial systems. It enables the collection of real-time data from industrial systems, Thanks to the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Hence, analyzing online collected […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Accuracy and Localization-Aware Rescheduling for Flexible Flow Shops in Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0 revolution aims to satisfy the manufacturing systems need to deal with the unexpected customers behaviour and market variation. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) technology, Industry 4.0 enables to collect and analyze real-time data about Cyber Physical System (CPS) components and hence to detect and react to emergent disruptive situations as quick as […]

    • Conférence
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Genetic algorithm to optimize unloading of large containers vessel in port of Tripoli-Lebanon

    The quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP) in the lebanese port (Tripoli) is discussed in this study. It consists in assigning each crane to a set of bays for a given vessel, while sequencing the unloading of these bays. In a previous study, we discussed two exacts methods whose main drawback is the difficulty to obtain […]

    • Article
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Proteus vs. social identity effects on virtual brainstorming

    Avatars are known to influence behaviour through their individual identity cues (Proteus effect) and through their shared identity cues (Social identity effect). The aim of this study was to investigate these two processes in a crossed design, in order to examine their interaction in the context of a brainstorming task. To activate the Proteus effect, […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Optimization of Transportation Collaborative Robots Fleet Size in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

    The current economic context is uncertain and highly competitive, where companies seek to reduce their production cost and adapt production systems to market needs. Since consumer behaviour becomes more and more unpredictable within shorter and shorter product lifetime, flexible manufacturing systems are introduced to allow company to adapt their production to the market without changing […]

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