• Article
  • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

Auteurs : Ahmed Rida Sekkat (LITIS), Yohan DUPUIS (LINEACT), Varun RAVI KUMAR (Valeo DAR), Hazem RASHED (Valeo DAR), Senthil YOGAMANI (Valeo Vision Systems), Pascal VASSEUR (MIS), Paul HONEINE (LITIS)

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture - 04/07/2022 - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Surround-view cameras are a primary sensor for automated driving, used for near-field perception. It is one of the most commonly used sensors in commercial vehicles primarily used for parking visualization and automated parking. Four fisheye cameras with a 190° field of view cover the 360° around the vehicle. Due to its high radial distortion, the standard algorithms do not extend easily. Previously, we released the first public fisheye surround-view dataset named WoodScape. In this work, we release a synthetic version of the surround-view dataset, covering many of its weaknesses and extending it. Firstly, it is not possible to obtain ground truth for pixel-wise optical flow and depth. Secondly, WoodScape did not have all four cameras annotated simultaneously in order to sample diverse frames. However, this means that multi-camera algorithms cannot be designed to obtain a unified output in birds-eye space, which is enabled in the new dataset. We implemented surround-view fisheye geometric projections in CARLA Simulator matching WoodScape’s configuration and created SynWoodScape. We release 80k images from the synthetic dataset with annotations for 10+ tasks