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The C-Care project

- Project leader: Kent County Council
- Partners: New Anglia LEP, Norfolk County Council, Plymouth City Council, Hauts-de-France Region, Pas de Calais Tourism, Finistère Department and CESI.
- Launch: April 2021
- Duration: 2 years
- Overall project budget: 6.7 million euros
The C-Care project (Covid Channel Area Response Exchange) is part of the Interreg France Channel England program and aims to address some of the socio-economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The different actions put in place aim to provide support to
- To individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to facilitate access to employment, become self-employed or create a business.
- To companies, in the form of advice, vouchers and grants, to help them develop new business models to respond to market changes and new customer behaviors, while ensuring a green, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.
Specifically, CESI’s work focuses on helping SMEs adapt their business models for a sustainable recovery and consists of:
- Exploring how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected businesses and the responses put in place to address this crisis.
- Identify a resilience model for sustainable recovery.
- Develop a toolkit to identify and build key characteristics of business resilience and adaptability.