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Vos résultats de recherche sur cesi.fr

Il y a 259 résultats correspondant à votre recherche.

  • Multi-component modeling and classification for failure propagation of an offshore wind turbine

    Purpose Improving reliability is a key factor in reducing the cost of wind energy, which is strongly influenced by the cost of maintenance operations. In this context, this paper aims to propose a degradation model that describes the phenomenon of fault propagation to apply proactive maintenance that will act on the cause of failure to […]

  • Présentation


    CESI LINEACT (Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique pour les Entreprises et les Apprentissages au service de la Compétitivité des Territoires) est le laboratoire de CESI dont les activités sont mises en œuvre sur les campus de CESI.

  • Mixed-integer linear programming models for the simultaneous unloading and loading processes in a maritime port

    This paper discusses the jointly quay crane and yard truck scheduling problems (QCYTSP) with unloading and loading containers from/to vessel(s) in the same time. Yard trucks transport the containers to/from yard locations with all containers that are homogeneous.We propose a mixed integer linear programming model to solve the scheduling problem. We consider in this study, […]

  • Detecting counterfeit products by means of frequent pattern mining

    Product traceability is one of the major issues in supply chains management (e.g., Food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, etc.). Several studies has shown that traceability allows targeted product recalls representing a health risk (e.g.: counterfeit products), thus enhancing the communication and risks management. It can be defned as the ability to track and trace individual items throughout […]

  • On the use of particle-wall interaction models to predict particleladen flow in 90-deg bends

    The objective of this work is to evaluate the capability of different combinations of a turbulence model and a Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) model integrating a particle-wall interaction (PWI) model to predict particle-laden flow in 90-deg bends, as well as the impact of the PWI model on the prediction of the referred flow. The experimental […]

  • A Novel Strategy for Energy optimal designs of IoT and WSNs

    Many IoT applications demand devices operating on battery, which restricts the useful life of the developed solution as most scenarios do not allow replacement of batteries. Given a target period of survivability of IoT devices, we must design devices and sub-systems meeting the estimated energy con-sumption rate so as meet target lifetime. Thus, for a […]

  • Efficient Identification Model of Strategic Key Dimensions in SMEs

    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make-up 99.8% of all enterprises which comprises 57.4% of added value and 66.8% of employment within the European Union economy. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, there will be an increasing competition among SMEs to operate efficiently, to hold on to their customers while capturing additional market share. […]

  • Rouen Mobilités Intelligentes pour tous

    Rouen Mobilités Intelligentes pour tous

    La Métropole de Rouen et ses 36 partenaires souhaitent développer un système de mobilité intégré à grande échelle qui devra permettre le développement de modes de déplacement choisis et sans contrainte tout en réduisant leurs impacts environnemental et physique.



    Le projet CREAM (CREativity in Additive Manufacturing) a été lauréat de l’appel à projets générique de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche en 2018.

  • Thèse CIFRE SNCF

    Thèse CIFRE SNCF

    Dans le cadre du Robotics-by-Design Lab porté par Strate Ecole de Design, et en partenariat avec la SNCF, nous abordons la robotique sous un nouvel angle.

  • Security Implementation and Verification in Smart Buildings

    The homes are dangerous environments like outside since it contains risks affect on the life of the inhabitant (humidity, temperature, noise, light, etc.), especially with the increase of the attention on smart homes and buildings in the previous few years where studies focused on the IoT domain exclude partially these risks. Smart homes/buildings are equipped […]

  • A Meta Language for Cyber-Physical Systems and Threats: Application on autonomous vehicle

    One of the main challenges in the development process of secure systems is how to detect as early as possible the system’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses, and also how to quantify the severity of attacks through them. In this paper, we rely on the concept of attack surfaces to implement a secure cyber physical system in […]

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