From Process Modelling to Planning Simulation Undr Uncertainty in Crisis Rescue Management
Auteur : Cendrella CHAHINE (ULF Liban/LGP-ENIT)
Autre Production - 06/07/2022
Based on the dramatic experiences that have faced France and Lebanon such as the Beirut explosion in 2020 and Paris attack in 2015, the response phase challenges are related to information, communication, resources and coordination.
The operational management of crisis situations requires the mobilization and rapid coordination of the various emergency services. Unfortunately, this interdepartmental coordination is a very delicate exercise due to the diversity of actors intervening on the ground and the heterogeneity of the different organizations. In addition, actors can work in a specific and aggressive environment, so certain factors can affect or restrict their work. Our work is divided into two levels: the design level and the simulation level.