• Conférence

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

The objective of crisis management is to limit the impact of a feared event that has occurred and to restore the
conditions corresponding to a nominal situation. In this context, we will focus on emergency response plans for
mass casualty crises. In this paper, we propose a functional modelling of the French generic emergency plan,
ORSEC plan, using the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). On the basis of this representation, a
dysfunctional analysis is performed from a new approach identifying Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis
(FMECA), in order to better anticipate, the events likely to interrupt the intervention plan. This work will then be
used in a multi-agent dynamic planning and scheduling model to allow an actor to choose among the dynamic
planning approaches the one that allows him/her to reach his/her goal.