• Article
  • Apprendre & Innover

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture

Gamification can be seen as the intentional use of game design elements in non-game tasks, in order to produce psychological outcomes likely to influence behavior and/or performance. In this respect, we hypothesize that gamification would produce measurable effects on user performance; that this positive impact would be mediated by specific motivational and attentional processes such as Flow; and that gamification would moderate social comparison process. In three experimental studies, we examine the effects of gamified electronic brainstorming interfaces on fluency, uniqueness and Flow. The first study mainly focuses on time pressure, the second on performance standard, and the third one introduces social comparison. The results highlight some effects of the gamified conditions on brainstorming performance, but no or negative effects on Flow. All three studies are congruent in that gamification did not occur as a psychological process, which questions popular design trends observed in a number of sectors.