• Article
  • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

Impact of spare parts remanufacturing on the operation and maintenance performance of offshore wind turbines: a multi-agent approach

Auteurs : Mohammed Dahane (LGIPM), M'hammed SAHNOUN (LINEACT), Belgacem Bettayeb (IRCCyN), David Baudry (LUSINE), Hamza Boudhar (LGIPM)

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture - 12/10/2015 - Journal of intelligent manufacturing

Offshore wind farms are a growing source of energy, which aims to ensure a clean energy with a low environmental impact. In this context, this paper investigates opportunities of the turbine gearbox end of life-cycle to improve the operation and maintenance strategies. We determine the impact of spare part policy based on the remanufacturing of gearboxes recovered after each replacement. The remanufacturing implementation allows the extension of the gearbox life-cycle and involves a perfect organization and coordination between maintenance, monitoring, operation and spare part supply chain to determine the best way to use each gearbox of each wind turbine. In this paper, we present a multi-agent based approach to analyze the impact of the spare parts remanufacturing strategy on the performance of an offshore wind farm in term of total cost and carbon footprint.