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    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Alarm Correlation to improve industrial fault management

    Actual alarm systems used in manufacturing applications lacks explanation and indication of the root causes, which results in a poor decision making. In addition, manufacturing systems are more and more complex, so relaying on human operators for alarm information management becomes impossible. For this, a computerized tool to support human operators (i.E., decision support for […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Towards AR/VR maturity model adapted to the Build-ing Information Modeling

    The challenge of improving the efficiency of the different phases of a building or infrastructure life demands considerations of innovative technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). During this last decade, AR/VR systems for construction started to be emerged. These applications aim to virtualize or augment in real time the content of […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Preliminary analysis of the behavioural intention to use a risk analysis dashboard through the technology acceptance model

    In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, the competition between Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) is fierce to operate efficiently and hold on to their customers. Due to lack of time and methodology, SME lead-ers are struggling to establish optimized strategies for their businesses. One way is by using dashboards that will proactively help […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Des FabLabs pour apprendre à innover : rôles des fabmanagers

    Proposant une pédagogie nationale commune, CESI, en tant qu’école d’ingénieur, met à disposition de ses étudiants des FabLabs. Les FabManagers, en charge du développement et de l’animation de ces espaces, apportent aux apprenants un espace équipé et organisé pour soutenir l’activité de prototypage. Malgré une ingénierie nationale de formation, les « Lab’CESI : FabLabs des […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    ACDC: Augmented Creativity for Design Collaboration

    In the last ten years, we have been witnessing a huge development of Additive Manufacturing (AM). This manufacturing technology, though invented in the 1980’s, has seen its development and large adoption soar in the last 10 years, due in particular to the development of personal 3D printer largely available to the public. Nevertheless, its main […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Detecting counterfeit products by means of frequent pattern mining

    Product traceability is one of the major issues in supply chains management (e.g., Food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, etc.). Several studies has shown that traceability allows targeted product recalls representing a health risk (e.g.: counterfeit products), thus enhancing the communication and risks management. It can be defned as the ability to track and trace individual items throughout […]

    • Article
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Effect of Modeling Techniques on the Simulation: Calculating the Stress Concentration Factors in Square Hollow Section T-Joints as a Case Study

    The capability of the simulation software motivates the engineers to analyze the stress in complex welded joints where ordinary mathematical expression may lack. However, unfortunately, the simulations were interpreted mechanically without considering the simulation parameters deeply. For this reason, this research aims to study the effect of simulation parameters on the stress concentration factor of […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Towards a Security Reinforcement Mechanism for Social Cyber-Physical Systems

    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are heterogeneous inter-operating parts of different aspects that can be physical, technical, networking, and even social like agent operators in smart grids. The main concerns of CPS are ensuring security and well-functioning against attacks that can either be technical or sociotechnical based threats. To detail how well security policies are expressed, integrated, […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Ensuring the Correctness and Well Modeling of Intelligent Healthcare Management Systems

    Recent research focus more and more on IoT systems and their applications in order to make people life easier and controllable. The main aim is to expand IoT applications and services into various domains while ensuring communication and automated exchange between them. Recent research handles many issues related to IoT especially implementation, modeling, and deployment. […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Human’s New Roles to Ensure Resilience of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

    Industry 4.0 introduces new production paradigms like Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) which should be efficient, self-organized, and resilient. The emergence of CPPS evolves the roles of humans and should enhance the manufacturing system efficiency and the decision-making process. In this paper, we are studying the human’s new roles to ensure the resilience of industrial Cyber-Physical […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Simplified Building Thermal Model Development and Parameters Evaluation Using a Stochastic Approach

    This paper proposes an approach to develop building dynamic thermal models that are of paramount importance for controller application. In this context, controller requires a low-order, computationally efficient, and accurate models to achieve higher performance. An efficient building model is developed by having proper structural knowledge of low-order model and identifying its parameter values. Simplified […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    A Reference Architecture for Smart Building Digital Twin

    This paper proposes a software architecture for creating and managing unambiguous descriptions of a Smart Building, allowing its Digital Twin to be deployed. These descriptions include static semantic structural description and dynamic time-series sensors data. Moreover, it is designed to be able to include data from various simulation tools, represented in the same way as […]

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