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    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques


    Brevet de consolidation de l’unité de production en FAM dite UAFAM

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    A Novel Strategy for Energy optimal designs of IoT and WSNs

    Many IoT applications demand devices operating on battery, which restricts the useful life of the developed solution as most scenarios do not allow replacement of batteries. Given a target period of survivability of IoT devices, we must design devices and sub-systems meeting the estimated energy con-sumption rate so as meet target lifetime. Thus, for a […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Fog-based Logistic Application Modeling in an Industry 4.0 Framework

    The industrial growth introduced the Industry 4.0 revolution, which uses several IoT-based technologies to manage the huge amount of data generated by its connected systems. This revolution aims to exchange data between the different parts and improve the performance of the manufacturing process. Facing several limitations, this paradigm needs the Fog Computing to ameliorate the […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Efficient Identification Model of Strategic Key Dimensions in SMEs

    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make-up 99.8% of all enterprises which comprises 57.4% of added value and 66.8% of employment within the European Union economy. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, there will be an increasing competition among SMEs to operate efficiently, to hold on to their customers while capturing additional market share. […]

    • Article
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Initiatives, experiences and best practices for teaching social and ecological responsibility in ethics education for science and engineering students

    For the past 14 years the Social Ecological Responsibility in Science and Engineering Education (SERSEE) Network has discussed the challenging but necessary task of teaching social and ecological responsibility to science and engineering students. Identifying, sharing and developing best practices, pedagogical materials and tools as well as a strategy for promoting it at universities can […]

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    • Apprendre & Innover
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Impact du numérique sur l’adoption de l’innovation ouverte par les PME.

    Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) transforment radicalement les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des entreprises. Les pratiques d’innovation ouverte telles que le crowdsourcing s’appuient largement sur des supports numériques. Cependant, à notre connaissance, peu de travaux, portent sur la manière dont le numérique peut affecter l’adoption de l’innovation ouverte. Sur la […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Strategic and organizational determinants for open innovation practices in SMEs : a conceptual framework

    The objective of our study is to contribute to the understanding of the OI adoption in the context of SMEs by exploring the specific strategic and organizational characteristics of this type of enterprise, and identify the determinants that enable them to adopt OI practices. Through a rigorous literature review of 98 articles and books, we […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Simulation and optimization of robotic tasks for UV treatment of diseases in horticulture

    Robotization is increasingly used in the agriculture since the last few decades. It is progressively replacing the human workforce that is deserting the agricultural sector, partly because of the harshness of its activities and health risks they may present. Moreover, robotization aims to improve efficiency and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. However, it leads to […]

    • Ouvrage scientifique
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Construction 4.0

    comment aller de l’industrie 4.à vers la construction 4.0

    • Article
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Vers une extension du Building Information Modeling aux projets d’infrastructure routière: Cas d’étude d’un échangeur autoroutier au Maroc

    Le Building Information Modeling (BIM) est une révolution de la technologie dans le secteur du bâtiment où il a fait ses preuves tout au long du cycle de vie d’un bâtiment. Cette réalité a mené depuis quelques années, à une extension de ce concept au secteur du Génie Civil pour les projets d’infrastructures en déployant […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Environnements de prototypage en écoles d’ingénieurs : des instruments pour apprendre?

    Le fablab est un espace avec de nombreux artefacts numériques, à quelles conditions permet il d’apprendre ? En étudiant des projets pédagogiques et activités menés par des élèves-ingénieurs de CESI dans ce lieu, nous montrons la fonction du prototypage. La théorie instrumentale de Rabardel (1995) fournit un cadre de compréhension de ces activités et, plus […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover


    Previous studies on the impacts of learning environments and contexts on students’ professional identity formation showed how factors like room layout could affect learners emotionally, influencing their motivation, interactions and performance. They also showed how, for example, in problem-based learning situations, and group-work specifically, female students’ engineering identity formation differed from their male counterparts. An […]

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