To embrace career decision making in STEM education
Choosing a career is often a challenge, especially in new professional contexts, as seen today with the fourth industrial revolution for students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths). Students require not only technical and academic skills but also skills in making decisions in complex situations and environments. Higher and Vocational Education students in STEM […]
Détermination de la teneur en eau locale par mesure de l’indice de réfraction d’un matériau polymère avec un capteur de Fresnel
Détermination de la teneur en eau locale par mesure de l’indice de réfraction d’un matériau polymère avec un capteur de Fresnel
Optimisation de la taille de flotte de robots dans atelier flexible : Approche par simulation
Dans cet article, nous proposons un outil d’aide à la décision basé sur la simulation multi-agent pour optimiser la taille d’une flotte de robots de transport dans un atelier flexible. Le simulateur prend en considération différents paramètres de coûts et de performance des machines de production et permet de simuler les éventuels embouteillages créés en […]
Un processus décisionnel basé sur la localisation de ressources pour la planification dynamique des tâches
Les perturbations sur l’exécution des plan de production est un problème récurrent dont souffre la plus part des ateliers de productions industriels. Ses perturbations se manifestent souvent sous forme de retards, provoqué par l’absence de ressources humaines ou matérielles nécessaires à l’exécution de tâches. La localisation de ces ressources permet non seulement d’accélérer la récupération […]
La recommandation consiste à adapter et personnaliser la visite de l’utilisateur selon un contexte en tenant compte de ses préférences et ses contraintes. Les systèmes de recommandation ontfait leurs preuves dans le domaine de la musique, la vidéo etc. mais semblent limités dans le domaine du tourisme. Cet article aborde la recommandation des visites de […]
Smart Grid and Industry 4.0 interaction as a non-cooperative game
Industry 4:0 is the most recent industrial revolution that aims to satisfy the manufacturing systems need by improving their productivity, flexibility, and adaptability. However, the manufacturing systems need a tremendous amount of power which significantly increases load on smart grid. There are broad concerns about the impact that this huge consumption may cause to the […]
Maintenance management is one of the most critical tasks in industry. It is generally carried by maintenance technicians and engineers that monitor the health status of a production equipment using failure detection systems. These systems merges several senors data collected from PLCs in order to detect a possible deviation from natural behavior of the production […]
To train students to make decisions taking in account ethical dimensions
The aim that is pursued is to teach engineering students a pragmatical way to face ethical dilemmas. After a presentation of the societal context, a competency framework is proposed. Then a statement is displayed.
Developing good practices for industrial engagement in co-creation of CDIO curriculum
Three cases of good practices are presented from Russia, UK and France.
Collaborative Virtual Reality Decision Tool for Planning Industrial Shop Floor Layouts
This paper presents a methodology and the associated tool for enhancing decision making in shop floor layout using collaborative virtual reality, associated to real-time performance indicators in Industry 4.0. It first describes the collaborative architecture of the application. Subsequently, application features like: visualization at scale one (machines, industrial environment’s top view, product flow path), 3D […]
Exploring SMEs’ open innovation practices diversity from four countries.
As far as we know, this paper constitutes a first approach to a cross-country comparison of open innovation practices in SMEs, a little explored field whose the surge of articles on this topic has increased significantly in recent years. Recent reviews have highlighted the need to consider context dependencies. Hence, this paper takes the fact […]
Influence of different charges in cement-based matrix of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) on its thermomechanical and thermal behaviours at different temperatures
The aim of this study is to develop a composite material TRC with an aluminous matrix that can improve its resistance to fire. The studied TRC composites were made with two layers of carbon grid integrated in a filled matrix. Two types of filled aluminous cement were tested under thermal and mechanical loadings. The first […]
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