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    A Proposal for a Methodology of Technical Creativity mixing TRIZ and Additive Manufacturing

    The industry has quickly realized the importance of bringing creativity into product design. The industrial context requires robust and efficient methods and tools to access untapped sources of ideas. Furthermore, Additive Manufacturing (AM) offers a large potential of creativity for product design. This potential is particularly significant at the level of Intermediate Objects. Previous works […]

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    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Evolution within the maturity concept of BIM

    Many construction companies in France are rather shy today to the adoption of BIM because the process is not sufficiently understood. Companies therefore need effective support to ensure their transition in digital. The success of this transformation is strongly related to the level of maturity of the companies in the deployment of BIM. It is […]

    • Conférence
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Single quay crane and multiple yard trucks scheduling problem with integration of reach-stacker cranes at port of Tripoli-Lebanon

    This paper addresses the scheduling problem in port of Tripoli-Lebanon for a single quay crane with multiple yard trucks, all containers that will be unloaded from the vessel are in the same bay. The objective is to reduce the completion time of all containers from the vessel to their store location, we used a mixed […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Fractal modeling of Cyber physical production system using multi-agent systems

    This paper proposes a modeling based multi-agent system to simulate a production workshop considered as a CyberPhysical System (CPS). A Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) is a fundamental component of Industry 4.0, which strongly influences how workshops make production and how the entire supply chain is designed, managed and supervised. Indeed, the use of systems combining […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Deployment of Fog Computing Platform for Cyber Physical Production System Based on Docker Technology

    Industry 4.0 is the most recent industrial revolution that is based on data collection, exchange, and analysis, in order to improve the productivity of manufacturing systems. Thus, Fog computing is an emerging technology, which enables to process data close to its source and will be responsible for decentralized decision-making, interoperability, data analytics, information security, real […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Aggregate modeling of scheduling multiproduct pipeline system with constrains of multi-pumps

    The new multiproduct pipeline transportation technology becomes the most used oil transportation mean in several oil company. It can carry multiproduct from the refinery to several storage and distribution centers with the same pipeline back-to–back without any physical separation between the different transported products. This leads to the arising of contamination interfaces. In this paper, […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Towards an automatic approach to generating BIM models from digitized plans

    This paper proposes a new approach to creating BIM models of existing buildings from digitized images. This automatic approach is based on three main steps. The first involves extracting the useful information automatically from the digitized plans (in .TIF, .JPG or .PNG image formats) by using image processing techniques (including segmentation, filtering, dilation, erosion, contour […]

    • Conférence
    • Apprendre & Innover

    Addressing gender as part of a Multifactorial Model of professional identity formation in a PoPBL engineering learning environment

    Previous studies on the interaction of gender and professional identity formation (PIF) in engineering curricula showed how PBL and group-work could affect female students’ experience. An ongoing study on an engineering school’s project-oriented, problem-based learning curriculum analyses the interactions of the learning environment and students’ personal characteristics with their PIF. This article describes an attempt […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    An architecture for data management, visualisation and supervision of Cyber-Physical Production Systems

    In the context of Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and digital twins are key technologies for the management of huge amount of data generated by Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) devices. However, it is still an issue to make heterogeneous components interoperable and make them flexible to each industrial specific needs. Thus, this paper […]

    • Conférence
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Modular Mobile Manipulators Task Allocation Auction-based Approach

    The use of mobile manipulators for transport tasks has provided solutions to some flexibility problems in manufacturing systems. Mobile manipulators are mobile entities equipped with robotic arms for loading and unloading parts and a mobile base for transport. It can be modular, where the two entities work together or separately. The existing task assignment approaches […]

    • Conférence
    • CESI - Hors LINEACT

    Location-Aware Sleep Strategy for Energy-Delay Tradeoffs in 5G with Reinforcement Learning

    In this paper, we propose a sleep strategy for energyefficient 5G Base Stations (BSs) with multiple Sleep Mode (SM) levels to bring down energy consumption. Such management of energy savings is coupled with managing the Quality of Service (QoS) resulting from waking up sleeping BSs. As a result, a tradeoff exists between energy savings and […]

    • Article
    • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

    Digital twin and virtual reality: a co-simulation environment for design and assessment of industrial workstations

    In the context of the Industry 4.0 and of the digital factory, digital twin and virtual reality represent key technologies to design, simulate and optimize cyber physical production system and interact with it remotely or in a collaborative way. Moreover, these technologies open up new possibilities which can be involved in the co-design and ergonomics […]

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