Safety analysis of train control system based on model-driven design methodology
Embedded system design is a complex process that demands an extensive system level modeling. Its implementation encompasses software and hardware components and its interconnections. In such systems, it is widely recognized that safety should be considered at the design stage itself, particularly at the architectural level to minimize the design effort. This paper presents a […]
This study aims to analyze the short run and long run relationship link between economic growth and public health spending in Tunisia and Morocco cover the 1980-2017 periods. The basic analysis process involves four steps: stationarity test, Bound tests for Cointegration, ARDL approach inspired by Pesaran et al. (2001), and VECM method. The results confirm […]
L’éthique, une compétence à laquelle former les ingénieurs
Dans leurs activités, les ingénieurs sont conduits à traiter des dilemmes éthiques. Des codes de conduite peuvent les aider à cette fin, mais ils peuvent être insuffisants face à la nouveauté des situations. Pour les former les ingénieurs à faire face à de telles situations, notre approche a été de considérer l’éthique comme une compétence. […]
Mathematical model for dynamic suppliers’ selection strategy in multi-period supply planning with lead-times uncertainty
In the supply planning, the management of uncertainties is the most difficult task but becomes increasingly important in the constantly changing business environment. In literature, most paper examine the uncertainty demand under the assumption of the constant order lead-times. However, lead-time is rarely constant in real time because of unpredictable events in the supply system […]
Task allocation based on shared resource constraint for multi-robot systems in manufacturing industry
Industry 4.0 principal is based on the use of more smart production tools, such as robots which are considered as one of the most important innovation that Industry 4.0 is going to widely use for its implementation. These intelligent components of the factory (robots) can execute complex tasks and can make local decisions. Task allocation […]
Timoshenko beam under Winkler foundation
We are interested in buckling for Timoshenko beam supported along its length by an elastic wall (Winkler foundation) and subjected to a longitudinal force. We use analytical methods to determine buckling load and mode shape rather than numerical methods. Haringx and Engesser models are compared. We show that the rigidity of the wall solely gouverns […]
A Machine-Learning Based Approach for Data- Driven Identification of Heating Dynamics of Buildings’ Living-Spaces
— Modeling the heating dynamics of a given living-space of a real building remains a challenging engineering-science problem because of the quite large number of diverse kinds of involved parameters and their usually nonlinear interdependency. However, the need of such living-spaces’ heating dynamics modeling appears as a foremost requirement for designing adaptive controllers scheming the […]
Analysis of HD-sEMG Signals Using Channel Clustering Based on Time Domain Features For Functional Assessment with Ageing
Objective: With aging, there are various changes in the autonomic nervous system and a simultaneous decline in the motor functional abilities of the human body. This study falls within the framework improvement of the clinical tools dedicated to the robust evaluation of motor function efficiency with aging. Method: Analysis of HD-sEMG signals recorded from 32 […]
TRIZ for Additive Manufacturing: Inventive problem-solving through intermediate object.
With the growing popularity of additive manufacturing (AM), designers now need relevant design methodologies to take full advantage of this technology [1]. TRIZ is composed of problemsolving tools designed to bring innovative and creative solutions and this paper focus on Design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) assisted by this one. The TRIZ matrix provides designers with […]
Créativité par la fabrication additive: Structuration d’une méthodologie fondée sur TRIZ
L’industrie a réalisé rapidement l’importance de l’apport de la créativité dans la conception de produit. Le contexte industriel requiert des méthodes robustes et efficaces et des outils pour accéder aux sources d’idées non exploitées. Par ailleurs, la Fabrication Additive (FA) offre un large potentiel de créativité dans la conception et le design de produit. Ce […]
Pratiques d’innovation ouverte adoptées par les PME Normandes
L’innovation ouverte consiste à faire inclure des acteurs extérieurs à l’entreprise dans le cadre de son processus d’innovation. La mise en place de ce processus demande des ressources spécifiques qui peuvent représenter des difficultés pour les PME. Grace à une étude statistique sur 90 PME normandes ainsi qu’une étude de la littérature, nous avons identifié […]
Les OpanLabs : un état de l’art
Pour une entreprise, développer sa capacité d’innovation est l’occasion de générer des avantages compétitifs. La façon d’aborder l’innovation a évolué au fil du temps en mettant aujourd’hui l’accent sur le travail collaboratifet l’intégration des nouvelles technologies dans le processus d’innovation. Divers dispositifs (FabLabs, Living-Labs, Hackerspaces, Makerspaces, TechShop…) voient le jour au travers des réseaux ou […]
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