Single Crystalline-like and Nanostructured TiO2 Photoanodes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering at Glancing Angle
The control of the surface area enhancement and the ordering of the mesoporous photoanode is one of the key parameters to overcome the current limits of performance of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). These parameters are expected to improve both the concentration of adsorbed dye molecules on the photoanode and the charge collection. In this […]
Exact method for single vessel and multiple quay cranes to solve scheduling problem at port of Tripoli-Lebanon
This paper discusses the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP) at port of Tripoli – Lebanon, determines the unloading/loading sequences of bays for quay cranes assigned to a single container vessel, provides a mixed integer programming model for the quay crane scheduling problem and proposes a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the QCSP. The objective of […]
Organisation et apprentissage : des compétences aux capabilités
Comment les conditions d’apprentissage opèrent dans les contextes de travail? • Quelles sont les caractéristiques des environnements de travail qui influent sur ces conditions? • Comment dynamiser les environnements pour qu’ils soient plus apprenants?
Mechanical and thermal characterization of a beet pulp-starch composite for building applications
This work shows the making of a new bio-based material for building insulation from sugar beet pulp and potato starch. The material is both lightweight and ecofriendly. The influence of starch/ sugar beet pulp ratio (S/BP) is studied. Four binder mass dosages are considered, 10, 20, 30 and 40% (relative to the beet pulp). Samples […]
Enseigner l’industrie du futur
Livre blanc édité dans le cadre du colloque de l’Institut de la Réindustrialisation
Evaluation of the mixing mode effect on properties of cork concrete
This paper aims to present an experimental study on the effect of mixing mode on workability, hardened density and mechanical properties of cork concrete. Mixing mode variables include three order of constituents introduction, three times of mixing (5 minutes, 8 minutes and 11 minutes) and three types of mixer (vertical axis mixer, drum mixer and […]
Evaluating RANS turbulence models to predic the airflow in a duct bend
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of some Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models to predict the behavior of the turbulent flows in a horizontal circular duct bend. The selection of the RANS models tested follows the capability of each model to describe the flow near the wall. Therefore, five turbulence […]
Collaborative design tools in engineering: Insight to choose the appropriate PLM software
The shift from sequential to concurrent engineering has led to changes in the way design projects are managed. In order to assist designers, many effective tools have been developed to support collaborative engineering. Nowadays, industrial scenarios encourage companies to adopt product lifecycle management solutions, even if they may not be able to understand their benefits. […]
Innovation culture in organizations
The components of the innovation culture are presented and summarized in a five-branch model called ETOILe (Environment, Team, Organization, Individuals and Leaders). The objective of this model is to provide a unified vision of the dimensions of innovation culture for the use of enterprises, practitioners, researchers and trainers. It was used as a basis for […]
Etude de cas sur une maintenance complexe: comparatif entre un support tablette PDF et un support tablette en réalité augmentée
La réalité augmentée (RA) peut être appliquée à de nombreux domaines~: architecture, médecine, sport, loisirs, conception, tourisme, militaire cite{sanna2016survey}, cite{mallem2008realite}, cite{van2010survey}, cite{azuma1997survey}. Dans ces travaux, nous nous plaçons d’un point de vue industriel. Les usages de la réalité augmentée dans ce domaine sont divers : conception, maintenance, assemblage, localisation, formation, système expert et logistique (dont […]
Modèle de données pour la création d’environnement interactif en réalité virtuelle et augmentée
Un des enjeux de l’industrie du futur passe par l’intégration des nouvelles technologies, telles que la réalité virtuelle (RV) et augmentée (RA), dans ses processus. Toutefois, bien que les avantages de l’utilisation de ces technologies se font sentir, la création tout comme l’édition de contenu reste problématique car souvent lourd en temps humain. En effet, […]
Analysis of items recommendations methods for heritage sites
When visiting a heritage site for the first time, the visitor can be overtaken by the amount of available contents, such as paintings, artworks, etc. Some heritage sites possess very large collections with various items. Historic sites possess very large collections and their main purpose is to make these available and attractive to the public. […]
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