• Conférence
  • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

This article introduces a novel method for generating random bi- nary sequences from Random Polar Angles (RPA). These sequences can be derived from an image, akin to QR-Codes, making them suitable for cryptographic applications and information coding sys- tems. The proposed method allows the generation of multiple codes using the same image. It is based on the LPCN (Lowest Polar Angle Connectivity Node) algorithm, which, in each iteration, selects a node from a graph that forms the minimal polar angle with its neighbor found in the previous iteration. The decision on the type of bit to generate (0 or 1) is based on the nature of the angles found (acute or obtuse). The primary objective of this research is to facil- itate the transformation of a graph’s image representation into a concealed binary code, thereby enhancing data security. We have assessed the randomness of the generated codes through entropy analysis, revealing greater unpredictability.