Auteur : Imène GUETAT (LINEACT)

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture - 08/11/2022 - Energy Exploration & Exploitation

India is one of the top 10 countries in CO2 emissions and it is considered one of the countries with the highest infant mortality rate. For these reasons, the state of health of population has become the object of studies and monitoring by many organizations and experts. In this study we try to analyze the short and long run relationship between neonatal mortality rate, economic growth, energy consumption (renewable and non-renewable), female literacy, and air pollution in India during 1970–2021 periods by using ARDL approach and VECM method. It appears that female literacy, economic growth and renewable energy consumption have an important role in reducing neonatal mortality rate. By contrast, non-renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and working mother’s strongly increase neonatal mortality. From these results, Indian government is required to provide for the basic needs of mothers by guaranteeing her right to education and improving their standard of living. The Indian government should also reduce air pollution by launching projects, using clean and environmentally friendly energy, and constructing industrial areas away from population centers. Also, it is necessary to Also, it is necessary to reduce the dependance on energy sources polluting due to the high cost and instability of prices in the traditional energy market, as well as reducing of the global warming and the danger it poses to continuous heat and climate change.