Semi-automatic generation of virtual reality procedural scenarios for operation in construction based on 4d building information models
Auteurs : Barbara Schiavi (LINEACT), Vincent Havard (LINEACT), Karim Beddiar (LINEACT), David Baudry (LINEACT)
Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international - 08/12/2021 - CONVR 2021
In the context of digital transformations of industry, Virtual Reality based industrial training is an efficient and promising digital tool. In the construction industry, studies have been conducted on the realization of virtual reality scenarios for construction operations, but the challenges lie in procedural scenario creation based on the knowledge and digital data of the construction project. Moreover, the evolution in time of the construction site and the tools and procedures adapted to each construction project must be integrated in the VR simulations. With the 4D Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology, the 3D model of building as well as the 3D operating procedures contain a time dimension (4D) representing the construction phases or planning. This paper introduces a system allowing the semi-automatic creation of operating procedures scenarios in virtual reality through the exploitation of 4D BIM and procedural knowledge.