• Article

Urban Heat Island Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Measures with Emphasis on Reflective and Permeable Pavements

Article : Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture

Economic and social development of urban and rural areas continues in parallel with
the increase of the human population, especially in developing countries, which leads to sustained
expansion of impervious surface areas, particularly paved surfaces. The conversion of pervious
surfaces to impervious surfaces significantly modifies local energy balance in urban areas and
contributes to urban heat island (UHI) formation, mainly in densely developed cities. This paper
represents a literature review on the causes and consequences of the UHI and potential measures
that could be adopted to improve the urban microclimate. The primary focus is to discuss and
summarise significant findings on the UHI phenomenon and its consequences, such as the impact on
human thermal comfort and health, energy consumption, air pollution, and surface water quality
deterioration. Regarding the measures to mitigate UHI, particular emphasis is given to the reflective
and permeable pavements.