• Conférence
  • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

Conférence : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

The Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) has been widely studied in last decades.
The emergence of technological advancements in the context of Industry 4.0 has brought many changes and made production scheduling more and more efficient. Today’s Industry 5.0 paradigm pays great attention to human factors and
environmental considerations to enhance
the system’s sustainability and resilience. Since 2013, around 100 FJSSP articles have focused on environmental factors like energy consumption. Among these papers, only 13 consider
human factors. However, recent literature has shown that the workers’ well-being and skills affect considerably the scheduling performance. FJSSP can be static or dynamic. Dynamic
scheduling differs from static scheduling in its ability to react to hazards or disturbances. Solving the dynamic FJSSP should improve the production system’s efficiency and resilience but
increase the complexity of the problem regarding its solving. Current literature proves the lack of
studies integrating both factors simultaneously, particularly in the dynamic approach. Aiming to increase the production systems’ sustainability and resilience, we propose a MILP to model the human-based green FJSSP.