• Article
  • Ingénierie & Outils numériques

Comparative analysis of hydraulic refrigeration and mechanical vapour compression water cooling technologies in designing a technical system for oysters conservation

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture

The phenomenon of summer mortality in Pacifi c oysters cultures also occurs in Brazilian crops, with predominance in the adult phase, generating signifi cant losses for local producers. In the search for a technological solution to mitigate its effects, the
mechanical vapour compression and hydraulic refrigeration concepts are evaluated as two proposed cooling technologies. The comparative analysis carried out with numeric simulations indicated that the hydraulic cooling system presents disadvantages regarding both the size of the compression column and the energy effi ciency, compared to the mechanical vapour compression cycle. By computing only the compression power, a COP value of 6.9 results for the MVCS at TCOND = 29.5 oC and TEVAP = 7.2 oC, while for HRS the COP value is around 3.1 for identical conditions. Results from the analysis contradict
former publications, but are consistent with recent fi ndings reported in literature.