• Article

Fiber-matrix bond strength by pull-out tests on slag-based geopolymer with embedded glass and carbon fibers

Article : Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture

The reinforcement efficiency on a composite depends on the
effective transfer of the stress between matrix and fiber. This
work presents an experimental and comparative study of fibermatrix bond strength for fiber-matrix interface between glass fibers and carbon fibers added to the slag-based geopolymer matrix. This analysis was performed by pull-out test. A total of 18 tests have been conducted, three for each type of fiber at each embedded length of 10mm, 20mm and 30mm. The critical embedded length and the maximum interfacial shear (bond) strength were analyzed, and SEM observations were carried out for the cross-section of each fiber to measure diameter and observe the interface. It was found that the greatest efficiency was obtained by reinforcing with the glass fibers, incorporated at 20mm in the slag-based matrix.