A Raspberry-Pi based Surveillance Camera with Dynamic Motion Tracking
Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, activities, or other information for the purpose of influencing, managing or protecting people and belongings. It is very useful to governments and law enforcement to maintain social control, recognize threats, and prevent criminal activity. With the emergence of video cameras and recorders, video surveillance has become easier and the […]
Fiscal stance, election year and 2007 crisis, evidence from OECD countries (1980–2017)
The purpose of this article is to explain the rapid narrowing of fiscal room of manoeuvre following the 2007 crisis in the Eurozone by analyzing the fiscal cyclicality of a sample of 19 OECD countries over the period 1980–2017, with a focus on the election year, the government ideology and the pre-crisis period. We adopt […]
Sustainable capacitated facility location/network design problem: a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm based multiobjective approach
In a highly competitive environment, characterized by shorter product life cycles, mass customization and fluctuating markets, the supply chain network design is considered as one of the most important steps for reducing their costs, increasing their performance, competitiveness and profits. In addition, due to the growing social, governmental and industrial concerns about environmental protection and […]
Une approche par éléments finis cohésifs-volumétriques, tenant compte des propriétés mécaniques de la zone de transition interfaciale (ITZ), est utilisée pour étudier le comportement mécanique du béton lors d’un essai de compression uniaxiale. Dans ce tra
Une approche par éléments finis cohésifs-volumétriques, tenant compte des propriétés mécaniques de la zone de transition interfaciale (ITZ), est utilisée pour étudier le comportement mécanique du béton lors d’un essai de compression uniaxiale. Dans ce travail, un modèle géométrique bidimensionnel à l’échelle mésoscopique du béton numérique a été considéré. Les échantillons obtenus sont maillés à […]
Optimal Scheduling of Grid Transactive Home Demand Responsive Appliances Using Polar Bear Optimization Algorithm
The conventional power system has been evolving towards a smart grid system for the past few decades. An integral step in successful realization of smart grid is to deploy renewable energy resources, particularly rooftop photovoltaic systems, at smart homes. With demand response opportunities in smart grid, residential customers can manage the utilization of their demand […]
Designing universal visuotactile pictograms for orientation maps
Pictograms are used in all domains of our daily life, in orientation maps in particular. They can be depicted visually or tactually for blind people. The problem is that these existing pictograms are not standardized. The aim of this study was to develop a range of visuotactile orientation pictograms, which would be understandable by adults, […]
On the development of a simplified model for thermal comfort control of split systems
Despite split-type systems for cooling purposes became popular in countries such as China, Japan. India, Indonesia and Brazil, their use commonly promote high gradients of both temperature and air velocity in rooms which may cause considerable thermal discomfort. Hence, this work aims at developing a simplified thermal comfort index, based on temperature and air speed, […]
Using collaborative VR technology for Lean Manufacturing Training: a case study
Research on the application of virtual reality (VR) to training has shown VR environments could contribute to the acquisition of procedures with minimized risks, costs, and timing. In the field of Lean Manufacturing (LM), VR can improve decision making in factory layouts. However, in the field of training, no evidence yet existed that VR immersion […]
Photocatalytic degradation and photo-generated hydrophilicity of Methylene Blue over ZnO/ZnCr2O4 nanocomposite under stimulated UV light irradiation
This paper deals with the relationship between photocatalysis and photo-generated hydrophilicity under UV light irradiation of ZnO/ZnCr2O4 nanocomposite film prepared via spray pyrolysis method. XRD investigations indicate that the nanocomposite sample show the presence of würtzite ZnO phase having crystallites oriented preferentially along c-axis with the presence of a secondary phase spinel of ZnCr2O4. Indeed, […]
Bi-Objective Indirect Optimization of Robotic Transportation Task Assignment Based on Auction Mechanism
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are used to ensure the production of several products using the same set of production tools. Transportation tasks using robots are introduced in order to increase the routing flexibility of the FMS. Several researchers are interested in the optimization of the production planning but few of them considered the transportation planning. […]
Text input tools’ complementarity in immersive virtual environments
This study presents a user test in order to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of three different text input methods in immersive virtual environment: individual Speech-to-Text, collective Speech-to-Text and a virtual keyboard named Drum-Like Keyboard. We measured participants’ user experience, especially related to usability and utility, in order to offer relevant recommendations to people seeking […]
A Simulated Multi-Objective Model for Flexible Job Shop Transportation Scheduling
This paper proposes a new dynamic algorithm based on simulation approach and multi-objective optimization to solve the FJSP with transportation assignment. The objectives considered in scheduling jobs and transportation tasks in a flexible job shop manufacturing system include makespan, robot travel distance, time difference with due date and critical waiting time. The results obtained from […]
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