Automatic generation of building information models from digitized plans
This paper proposes a new approach to creating Building Information (BIM) models of existing buildings from digitized images. This automatic approach is based on three main steps. The first involves extracting the useful information automatically from rasterized plans by using image processing techniques that include segmentation, filtering, dilation, erosion, and contour detection. This information feeds […]
On the use of particle-wall interaction models to predict particleladen flow in 90-deg bends
The objective of this work is to evaluate the capability of different combinations of a turbulence model and a Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) model integrating a particle-wall interaction (PWI) model to predict particle-laden flow in 90-deg bends, as well as the impact of the PWI model on the prediction of the referred flow. The experimental […]
Integrated Scheduling of Machines and AGVs in Flexible Manufacturing System
Nowadays, with the general application of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) have been broadly used for material handling in many manufacturing organisations, as they offer great routing flexibility to support diversified manufacturing processes for producing high variety of products. For these organisations, the effectiveness in scheduling and using AGVs for material handling […]
Ordonnancement dynamique des tâches robotisées pour le traitement du mildiou par radiation UV-c dans l’horticulture
Dans cet article nous présentons une méthode d’ordonnancement dynamique appliquée au traitement robotisé de la maladie du mildiou dans les serres. Le traitement se fait par radiation ultraviolet (UV-c) avec un robot mobile autonome muni de lampes UV-c. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé l’environnement du robot dans la serre dans un simulateur basé […]
Managing uncertainty during CBR systems vocabulary maintenance using Relational Evidential C-Means
Due to the incremental learning of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems, there is a colossal need to maintain their knowledge containers which are (1) the case base, (2) similarity measures, (3) adaptation, and (4) vocabulary knowledge. Actually, the vocabulary presents the basis of all the other knowledge containers since it is used for their description. Besides, […]
Brevet de consolidation de l’unité de production en FAM dite UAFAM
A Novel Strategy for Energy optimal designs of IoT and WSNs
Many IoT applications demand devices operating on battery, which restricts the useful life of the developed solution as most scenarios do not allow replacement of batteries. Given a target period of survivability of IoT devices, we must design devices and sub-systems meeting the estimated energy con-sumption rate so as meet target lifetime. Thus, for a […]
Fog-based Logistic Application Modeling in an Industry 4.0 Framework
The industrial growth introduced the Industry 4.0 revolution, which uses several IoT-based technologies to manage the huge amount of data generated by its connected systems. This revolution aims to exchange data between the different parts and improve the performance of the manufacturing process. Facing several limitations, this paradigm needs the Fog Computing to ameliorate the […]
Efficient Identification Model of Strategic Key Dimensions in SMEs
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) make-up 99.8% of all enterprises which comprises 57.4% of added value and 66.8% of employment within the European Union economy. In the age of the fourth industrial revolution, there will be an increasing competition among SMEs to operate efficiently, to hold on to their customers while capturing additional market share. […]
Initiatives, experiences and best practices for teaching social and ecological responsibility in ethics education for science and engineering students
For the past 14 years the Social Ecological Responsibility in Science and Engineering Education (SERSEE) Network has discussed the challenging but necessary task of teaching social and ecological responsibility to science and engineering students. Identifying, sharing and developing best practices, pedagogical materials and tools as well as a strategy for promoting it at universities can […]
Impact du numérique sur l’adoption de l’innovation ouverte par les PME.
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) transforment radicalement les méthodes de travail et l’organisation des entreprises. Les pratiques d’innovation ouverte telles que le crowdsourcing s’appuient largement sur des supports numériques. Cependant, à notre connaissance, peu de travaux, portent sur la manière dont le numérique peut affecter l’adoption de l’innovation ouverte. Sur la […]
Strategic and organizational determinants for open innovation practices in SMEs : a conceptual framework
The objective of our study is to contribute to the understanding of the OI adoption in the context of SMEs by exploring the specific strategic and organizational characteristics of this type of enterprise, and identify the determinants that enable them to adopt OI practices. Through a rigorous literature review of 98 articles and books, we […]
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